Behind the Au2pilot moniker stands Jon Tobias Niemi, a composer and producer based in Aalborg, Denmark. He started producing music in the late 90’s, inspired mainly by British and German electronic music producers, who sent him on a journey through numerous genres to find his own. After a series of years as a DJ with focus on among other hip hop, glitch and techno, he finally hurled himself into experimental IDM and took to producing as well as spinning records. This led him to producing music under the Au2pilot banner, where he has continually lauded sound experiments, and through this approach he has released a series of albums and EP’s on a handful of different labels both domestically and abroad.
Three years has passed since the last officially published oeuvre from Au2pilot. The time has been spent composing and recording new compositions, but also on maintaining his other creative outputs: Being a multifaceted artist he also paints images, makes mixtapes on old tape streaming machines, produces abstract video art which is put out on Youtube and beyond all this he also runs a small gallery in an old store that also houses his music studio in his home town of Aalborg, Denmark.
In the three years he has meticulously put together Fatamorgana, a brand new album on which he once again reinvents Au2pilot: Audio-contrasts meet, are cut up and patched together in new, curious forms, and it’s very apparent that the contradictions are giving free space in Niemi’s universe anno 2015. Nothing is held back and new sound forms are introduced in both hushed, ambient sequences and high-octane bursts of raw energy. His love for the unpredictable and surprising element is intact: Melodies whirl in and out around each other and grapple for space in his musical image alongside chaotic samples and twisted drum programming. https://uhrlaut.bandcamp.com/album/au2pilot-fatamorgana-ur006lp